Highway Tripping Claims
These are a complicated type of claim. Fortunately, we have many years of experience of dealing with claims and know exactly the steps to take.
In order to be successful in such a claim you have to show that you have suffered injuries as a result of what is commonly known as an “actionable hazard”. Put simply, usually it is a defect of an inch or more in depth on the pavement and two inches or more on the road. However, The Highway Authority may still have a Defence if they show that they have a reasonable system for inspecting and repairing that particular highway. For example, a busy shopping street may have to be inspected every month whereas a quiet residential street only once per year.
There are steps and tactics to be taken that can greatly increase your chances of success. You should firstly take photographs of the general location of the defect and also close up of the defect with a ruler positioned to show the depth of that tripping hazard.
Most importantly, you should not report the matter to the Local Highway Authority. We will report it to them on your behalf at an appropriate time.
If you suffer a fall on the public highway it is important you seek specialist advice as soon as possible. This will give you the best chance of obtaining the compensation you deserve.