We are shining the spotlight on our 3 wonderful trainee solicitors – meet Robyn, Matthew and Jack, who are all at different stages of their journey to become qualified solicitors.
To help give the next generation of lawyers some insight into what training contracts are like and how the transition from classroom to courtroom works, we asked them to share some of their challenges and highlights so far.
Meet Our Trainees
Meet Robyn – Robyn Moss is a Trainee Solicitor within the Family Department. She graduated from Lancaster University with a Frist Class LLB Law degree and later graduated from BPP University in Manchester after completing her Legal Practice Couse and Masters, receiving a distinction. Robyn is due to qualify in July 2025, so she is in the final sprint of her training contract and has gained plenty of experience along the way.
Meet Matthew – Matthew Mainds is a Trainee Solicitor within the Conveyancing Department. He graduated in 2021 and took on his Masters and LPC straight afterwards, graduating in 2022. Matthew went on to gain a year of work experience at another law firm before joining Barker Booth & Eastwood in February 2023. He was later awarded a training contract and is looking forward to everything yet to come.
Meet Jack – Jack Fielding is a Trainee Solicitor in the Dispute Resolution Department. He completed his law degree at the University of York and recently finished his Masters and LPC at UCLAN. With a family connection to Barker Booth & Eastwood, Jack had already gained plenty of work experience over the years including working in the firm’s cashier department, reception and helping out in various departments.
Have you always wanted to become a Solicitor?
Robyn – When I was younger I wanted to be a Social Worker, however, once I started studying law at A-Level, I knew I wanted to become a Solicitor and I was drawn to Family Law after studying it as one of my electives.
Jack – It’s probably more towards the end of high school that I was set on wanting to be a Solicitor. Having family in the same role, I’ve always been around it and I have always been argumentative so it sort of fell into place!
Matthew – Not always… as a child I wanted to be anything and everything, pilot, fireman, police officer etc. Towards the end of high school, I was looking at my A Level options and decided to study law. I ended up really enjoying it and feeling like I found something I was passionate about.
What are you most looking forward in the time ahead during your training contract?
Matthew – I am most looking forward to working in different departments, experiencing something new and working with more of my colleagues at BBE. I have only worked in property law so far, so this will be a great opportunity to refresh my LPC knowledge and experience another area of law.
Jack – I’m looking forward to slowly working up to taking on cases independently.
Robyn – With only 6-months left of my training contract I am looking forward to growing my caseload and broadening my knowledge and confidence in a variety of different cases. I am beginning to handle a wide range of cases such as divorce, children matters, domestic abuse and financial settlements.
What do you think will be the most challenging aspect in the years ahead?
Robyn – I think the most challenging aspect of working as a Family Law Solicitor will be the emotional burnout. Cases can be emotionally demanding, dealing with disputes, trauma and high-stakes situations can be tough. It can be difficult to not to become too emotionally involved in cases, especially in cases involving very vulnerable parties and children.
Jack – Having to listen back to my own voice on the dictating machine!
Matthew – I think the most challenging aspect will be quickly getting back up to speed with legal knowledge in any other departments I work in for my training. However, there are many transferrable skills, and I am confident that I will be able to adapt and gain valuable experience.
Do you have any tips or words of advice for people who are studying law?
Jack – Lexis is your new best friend!
Robyn – I would advise that anyone thinking about a career in law, especially in family law, should firstly carry out some voluntary work. I would apply to your local women’s refuge or citizen’s advice to gain real-life experiences. The law degree studied so hard for is often relied upon very little in the day-to-day job.
Matthew – Put yourself forward for as much as possible through university, especially if your university offers any student ‘pro bono’ work or has a legal advice clinic scheme. This gives you great experience at an early stage and might boost your applications.
Do you know yet which area of law you want to qualify into?
Matthew – I’ve always worked in property and plan to build on and solidify my knowledge through the training contract.
Jack – I’ve always been more interest in Dispute Resolution, so I think my sole focus is going to be there. Specifically, I quite enjoy being involved in Landlord and Tenant disputes, which was the focus of my university dissertation.
Robyn – Family Law. I enjoy building trust and developing meaningful relationships with clients, which adds a personal dimension to the work. It is very fulfilling helping people learn to put one foot in front of the other in really challenging times in their lives and achieving positive outcomes for them.
What has it been like working at Barker Booth & Eastwood so far?
Jack – I’m only a few months in but I’ve already been involved in a number of disputes, for which my primary focus has been assisting and learning from the head of the department with the aim of eventually taking on cases of my own.
Matthew – My time at BBE has been great so far! I’m in an amazing team and always have support if I have questions or challenges. I have many opportunities to get involved in a transaction or case if there is something I haven’t come across before, and the team are always happy share their knowledge.
Robyn – So far, working at Barker Booth and Eastwood has been great. Everybody within my department is supportive and there is an open-door policy so that any questions can be answered.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Robyn – I like spending my annual leave going to new places on holiday. In December, I went to Krakow, Poland . My favourite place was the wodka bar. I would love to go to Thailand next. I also enjoy walking my two beagles, a bottomless brunch and a spa day.
Matthew – I’ve always been into my fitness and sports, I played in a number of football and basketball teams throughout school, sixth form and university. In recent years I’ve been playing a lot of golf, especially through the summer, and take on the occasional hike too!
Jack – I’m a big gamer and TV and Movie buff but I’m also quite into the gym, climbing and just overall spending time with my mates.